Matteo Manca
Matteo Manca
Matteo Manca
Matching User Preferences and Behavior for Mobility
Characterizing user behavior in journey planning.
Guest Editorial: Behavioral-Data Mining in Information Systems and the Big Data Era
Tutorial - Data Sources and Techniques to Mine Human Mobility Patterns.
Behavioral data mining to produce novel and serendipitous friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system.
BarcelonaNow: Empowering Citizens with Interactive Dashboards for Urban Data Exploration
Gender inequalities in political participation: a study of the 2017 UK general elections on Twitter.
Urban Patterns and Citizen Participation: Geographical Data Analysis of Decidim Barcelona.
Using social media to characterize urban mobility patterns: State-of-the-art survey and case-study
The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle.
Graph-based breaking news detection on Wikipedia.
A Genetic Score For The Prediction Of Beta-Thalassemia Severity.
Friend recommendation in a social bookmarking system: Design and architecture guidelines.
Design and architecture of a friend recommender system in the social bookmarking domain.
Mining User Behavior in a Social Bookmarking System - A Delicious Friend Recommender System.
A Clustering Approach for Tag Recommendation in Social Environments.
Linking Human-Computer Interaction with the Social Web: A web application to improve motivation in the exercising activity of users.
Producing Friend Recommendations in a Social Bookmarking System by Mining Users Content.
Using new communication technologies and social media interaction to improve the motivation of users to exercise.
Everywhere run: a virtual personal trainer for supporting people in their running activity.